
Well-Resourced 学校 社区参与

Summary: SPS is committed to hearing your voice. Read the engagement report to see what our community had to say about SPS well-resourced schools.


The well-resourced schools community engagement will help shape a vision grounded in the values and aspirations of our diverse community.​ It represents the community vision of what programs, 服务, and resources that 学生 need to succeed and thrive in the neighborhoods where they live.  ​

The community vision will provide a foundation to frame challenges and opportunities for the vision for a system of well-resourced schools. 它还将指导未来的战略规划和资源分配决策


Fall 2023 Phase I 社区反馈主题

In-person and online community engagement meetings open to all families and community members, internal engagement sessions for school 工作人员, 还有一个全区的社区调查.


  • 附近的位置
  • 安全、安保和改造
  • 操场和运动设施
  • Interior Spaces Designed for Learning
  • 图书馆是中心
  • Artwork Centering Student Diversity


  • 敬业、熟练的教育工作者
  • 艺术及音乐节目
  • 体育与运动
  • 高质量教学 
  • Diversity Reflected in Curriculum and 指令


  • Full-Time Staff in Key Support Positions
  • 学生的基本需要
  • 精神健康服务
  • Special Education/Advanced Learning
  • 多语言学习者服务
  • 正规买足球的App服务


全区调查面向所有高中学生和面对面的焦点小组. A representative total of 528 学生 provided feedback, 包括91名黑人学生(17%)和292名有色人种学生(55%).


  • 优秀的图书馆
  • Great Facilities for Wide Variety of Athletics 及艺术项目
  • Safe, Secure, Well-Maintained Campus
  • Welcoming, Open Spaces for Social Gathering, 学习,放松


  • 资金雄厚的艺术 & 田径项目
  • 课后充实和俱乐部
  • Highly Effective, Caring Educators who Reflect 学生的多样性
  • Relevant and Challenging Curriculum, 包括STEM和高级课程
  • Tutoring and other Academic Supports


  • Full-Time Staff in Key Positions – Librarians, 咨询师、护士
  • 获得精神卫生服务
  • Equitable, Highly Responsive Services for IEP/504, MLL和HC/AL学生
  • All Forms of Bullying, Harassment, and Racism 在学校有效处理

Spring 2024 Phase II 社区反馈主题 – Adults

In-person focus group with multilingual families, families of 学生 who identify as Black, 本地的, 拉丁美洲/ x. ​The group of over 30 attendees reviewed the outcomes of Phase I recommendations and provide feedback on what they wanted to affirm, 地区是否更了解他们家庭的观点, 或者名字不见了.​


  • Generally affirmed broader recommendations 从这个主题出发 
  • Appreciation for artwork and visual displays that represent student work and culture


  • Desire for more culturally responsive curriculum that represents diversity of student 身份 
  • Desire for more instructors and instructional supports to support student academic growth 哪里最需要它 


  • Families of 学生 receiving special education 服务 named the challenges they faced 驾驭IEP系统 
  • Families of 学生 receiving multilingual 服务 named the importance of dual 语言程序


Superintendent Brent Jones is sharing the plan create a system of well-resourced schools with the SPS community and Seattle School Board.


发布:11月. 16, 2023

Phase I 社区参与 Report

2023年8月到10月, 正规买足球的App完成了第一阶段的参与计划, which included a series of five (5) in-person and two (2) online community engagement meetings open to all families and community members; internal engagement sessions for school 工作人员; 还有一个全区的社区调查. 

Nearly 3,800 community members provided feedback in at least one of these opportunities.

提供背景资料的调查对象, 63%是家庭/照顾者, 35%是员工, 2%是其他社区成员. Whereas 32% of family members/caregivers responding to the survey identified as people of color, the district’s enrollment of 学生 of color is 54%.

重要的是, a Phase II Engagement Plan will include engagement opportunities specifically for 学生, plus additional targeted efforts to ensure diverse voices from all backgrounds are equitably represented and reflected in the community’s vision.

Well-Resourced 学校 Phase I Presentation


11月. 15日表示



“I love that Seattle’s neighborhood schools are… the focal point and anchor of their community”


  • Close, nearby school connected to neighborhood
  • Central hub for families to connect, build community

Modern Facilities, Classic Architecture

  • 保存历史和古典建筑元素
  • 现代、现代的室内空间、设施设计


  • Security measures, gated perimeters, entry procedures
  • Retrofitting such as earthquake proofing, updated HVAC

“We love our newly renovated building with earthquake retrofitting and improved ventilation.”

Well-Maintained Grounds and Facilities

  • 场地和设施维护良好,保存完好
  • Clean, welcoming environment, sense of community pride


  • 学校操场、户外游乐区和运动场
  • 体育馆和室内设施为田径和社区活动
  • Modern, accessible for 学生 with disabilities

“Our school’s playgrounds are awesome… ensuring 学生 with disabilities have opportunities for active play and social interaction.”


  • Natural, open spaces, connections to nature in settings
  • 大窗户,教室和设施自然采光
  • School 花园 enhance the learning environment for kids

Interior Spaces Designed for Learning

  • 有目的地设计有利于学习的室内空间
  • High ceilings, wide hallways, large classrooms 
  • 为残疾学生提供便利


  • 图书馆是学习和社区活动的中心
  • 新装修的图书馆精心设计和布局
  • Abundance of books, materials reflecting school diversity

Artwork and Décor Centering Student Diversity

  • 五彩缤纷的学生艺术作品在整个学校展示
  • Murals and inspirational posters reflecting school values and the cultural heritage and diversity of the community


  • Designated commons areas for building strong community
  • 庭院、中庭、灵活空间、健身房、礼堂、剧院


“Our mural that honors the Duwamish is stunning.”

学术和课外活动 Programs


  • Welcoming, respectful, well-trained and qualified 工作人员
  • 关怀和培养,文化响应,协作
  • 教育者资源:课程、协作时间、培训

高质量教学 in Core Academic Subjects

  • 资源丰富的核心学科课程和教学
  • 教育工作者区分教学的工具和资源
  • 为学生提供额外的辅导和教学支持


  • Well-resourced athletic teams and sports clubs, P.E. 类
  • Structured and unstructured play time for elementary kids
  • Inclusive, accessible opportunities for all 学生


  • 资源丰富的课程:音乐、视觉和表演艺术
  • 融入其他课程领域,课后项目
  • 专门的设施,全职员工,孩子们有多种选择

我们重视音乐和艺术课程,因为当学生参与创造性的出口, they do better academically and socially.”

Enrichment and Extracurricular Programs

  • 资源丰富的课外俱乐部,充实课程
  • 课前/课后项目也提供托儿服务
  • Equitable program offerings and resource allocation

Diversity Reflected in Curriculum and 指令

  • 课程反映了多样性,在文化上是肯定的,包容性的
  • 民族研究, 黑人历史, 非以欧洲为中心的世界历史文化敏感性培训, 反种族主义教学实践

“帮助孩子在阅读等基础知识上脱颖而出的学术课程, 写作, 数学对孩子们的准备和成功至关重要.”

“Differentiation in reading and math–both to catch up kids who are struggling and to go deeper for kids who quickly grasp the lesson.“


  • Well-resourced courses/programs for science, 技术(编码, 数字媒体), 工程学(机器人), 生物技术)

World Languages and Dual Language Programs

  • Learning a second language viewed as educational priority
  • 为多种语言产品提供一致的人员配置支持

Project-Based, Experiential Learning Opportunities

  • Integrating project-based learning across the curriculum
  • Opportunities to develop collaboration, teamwork skills

College and Career Readiness Programs and Resources

  • 职业和技术教育,实习,学徒
  • Opportunities to earn college credits in high school


“The extra support our son gets from school psychiatrist, 教育专家, and all the dedicated 工作人员 that have supported us.“

Full-Time Staff in Key Support Positions

  • 全职辅导员、护士、社会工作者和图书管理员
  • 充足的教育专家、干预专家和助手


  • 专职辅导员, 社会工作者, mental health specialists Social emotional learning, restorative practices to build emotional resilience, 健康的关系, 自我表现


  • Free, accessible, fresh and nutritious meals
  • Support for 学生’ clothing, hygiene, medical needs
  • Partnering with community-based organizations



  • 人手充足,资源充足,方便家庭管理
  • Educator knowledge and training in neurodivergence, 创伤知情护理, 通用学习设计(UDL)
  • 专家、通识教育教师的协作时间


  • Full-time specialists and instructional assistants who work alongside special education and general education teachers
  • 为家庭提供有效的笔译和口译支持

Highly Capable/Advanced Learner Services

  • Highly capable 服务; educators trained in differentiation and supporting 学生 who need acceleration, 高级先修课程, 国际学士学位, 运行开始


  • 一贯、可靠的准时服务,清晰的沟通
  • Drivers who know how to interact with and support 学生 Equitable access to field trips, 探险学习之旅 


  • 常规的, accessible communications to families about 服务, programs and opportunities available at the school
  • Opportunities for families and 学生 to provide feedback to schools and the district about programs and experiences.

“Consistent communication from the school. 我们确实得到了通信,但它们并不总是及时的,也不总是容易找到.”

发布:10月. 9, 2023

社区参与 Current Status October 2023

正规买足球的App(SPS)致力于倾听您的声音. The goal for the well-resourced schools conversations—as well as the survey—is to gather input from our community so that SPS can make effective decisions about major initiatives and issues. 

2023年8月到10月, 正规买足球的App completed a series of five (5) in-person and two (2) online community engagement meetings open to all families, 工作人员, 学生, and community members; internal engagement sessions for school 工作人员; and a districtwide community survey. ​


  • No school site consolidations or closures for 2023-24.
  • The input gathered from this meeting series and the survey will be compiled and will inform Superintendent Jones’ recommendations for the 2024-25 school year, 他将在2023年11月与西雅图买正规足球比赛的app分享这些信息.  
  • Families will hear an update on plans for the 2024-25 school year—including consolidation plans, 如果有的话——到一月份, 赶上2024年的入学时间. 


These community conversations are centered around small group discussion of three questions. 问题是:  

  • What are your favorite things about your school building? 
  • 我们如何使每个学校的资源和服务更强大? 
  • 你和你的学生最看重什么样的课程?为什么? 

SPS研究团队正在努力分析社区反馈. Here are some early themes that have come forward in their work reviewing the community engagement feedback gathered from community meetings and survey. 


For the first question about what community members appreciate about their school building, 我们经常听到社区成员喜欢干净, safe well-maintained schools and grounds, 尤其是户外和自然空间,比如操场, 花园, 和字段, as well as natural indoor lighting and common spaces for 学生 and family to gather and build community. 


For the second question about how community members feel SPS should strengthen 服务 and resources at each school, we’ve heard frequently about the importance of funding full-time support 工作人员 like counselors, 护士, 还有每个学校的社工, and providing mental health 服务 in addition to tutoring and other academic supports to accelerate student learning; community members also prioritize expanding key 服务 such as for special education, 正规买足球的App, 还有上学前和放学后的看护, 有些人主张更公平地重新分配优惠贸易区的资源. 


对于第三个问题,关于学校编程社区成员最看重什么, we’ve heard most frequently so far about the importance of continuing investments in creative outlets like arts, 音乐, 和戏剧, as well as K-12 athletics and sports programs. Community members value acceleration in reading and math, 但也要以项目为基础, 亲自动手的, collaborative learning opportunities, 并表达对计算机科学和机器人等STEM项目的支持, as well as educational experiences and programming leading to diverse vocational and career pathways. 



The Seattle School Board approved two adoptions for digital instructional materials in English Language Arts (ELA) and Algebra and Geometry.


为了实现预算平衡,我们知道我们必须做出改变. We are approaching these decisions in a thoughtful way.

预算 Shortfall for 2021-22 and Beyond

预算 Shortfall for 2021-22 and Beyond Next school year, 正规买足球的App will have a $69.预算缺口800万. While next year’s budget reductions will be challenging, 更严重的短缺预计将从2022-23年开始. 财政收入不增加,公共教育服务和支持就会减少. SPS已经……